
21 April 2021 – Hannes D’Hulster: It’s All About People

A true story about how a 90ies email marketing tool was transformed into a modern product organisation. Product, here, deals with what features should be build and how they should work. Not technically, but from a business but mostly a user point of view.
We’ll tell you what we changed, how we handled that and how this affects all people involved. It includes change and heavy moments, but it has a happy ending.

Hannes D’Hulster

Born in Bruges, studied in interaction design in Genk and designed educational games, websites and applications since 2001. With his collective Smooth Sailing he helps start-ups and scale-ups to reduce the chaos in their head, software and team.
In his hometown, he organises Cityhacks, a yearly hackathon and during his student years he helped building Brugsebuurten. In his spare time he likes to go for a “toerke van de vesten” and is part of the board of Het Entrepot.


Please RSVP on our Meetup page.



Unfortunately the current covid-19 situation is still precarious.

We had the intention of hosting a workshop in Q3 on which attendees had to pair program but keeping the safety measures in mind this seems infeasible at the moment. This workshop will be postponed to a later date once this pandemic is under control.

Alas this means there will be no event from us in Q3 but we are eagerly looking for alternatives for the next quarter.

Take care, stay safe and follow us for upcoming events.


Recording of Jon Skeet’s Talk on versioning

Thanks again to Jon Skeet for the interesting talk about versioning. The recording of the webinar can be found here.

Follow us the get more details on the upcoming workshop about legacy code planned in Q3.


27 May 2020: Jon Skeet on Versioning, and how it makes my head hurt

Software engineers use versioning all the time, and .NET is no different. Over the last couple of years, I’ve been thinking a lot about versioning in different contexts, and I wish I could now say I knew how to do it easily. Instead, I can at least share my experiences, highlight some problems, and maybe look at possible improvements to come. We’ll look at:

  • What is a version anyway?
  • Where do we use versions day to day?
  • What do we mean by semantic versioning?
  • What are the patterns for server-side API versioning?
  • What are the highlights and lowlights of .NET’s support for versioning?

About Jon Skeet

Jon Skeet is a Staff Developer Platform Engineer at Google, working on Google Cloud Platform client libraries for .NET, based in the London office. (That’s the theory, anyway. Most of the time he works from his shed instead.) He’s best known for contributions to Stack Overflow as well as his book, C# in Depth. Additionally he is the primary maintainer of the Noda Time date/time library for .NET.
Outside of software, Jon is a committed Christian, and enjoys theatre (particularly musical theatre), playing board games, and spending time with his amazing family.


Please RSVP on our Meetup page.

Because of COVID-19 and the safety measure we should take into account we are hosting this as a virtual session.
Zoom link, a password will be mailed to the registered users on the day of the event.


Slides of Tom’s Talk on Multi-tenancy on Azure

Thank you Tom for your session on Multi-tenancy on Azure! For those of you who want to recap, or if you weren’t present, you can find the slides here.

See you next at our next event! Jon Skeet will be giving a remote talk on 27 May. We’ll keep you posted.


19 February 2020: Tom Kerkhove on Building Multi-tenant PaaS on Azure

Building a multi-tenant PaaS is not a walk in the part, certainly if the platform you are building on is constantly changing.

In this session I’ll walk you through the adventure we’ve been on where you’ll learn about the challenges we’ve had and how we approached them and whether or not our decisions worked out or not.

– How to design for scale
– How to operate the platform
– How to grow a platform mindset and force ownership
– How to provide user-friendly webhooks
– How to roll out changes
– How to design for multi-tenancy
– How to approach constant change
– etc

Cloud platforms are never finished so you’d better come prepared.

Azure Architect at Codit, Microsoft Azure MVP & Advisor

Tom works for Codit as an Azure Architect, is a member of the AZUG crew and has been a Microsoft Azure MVP & Azure Advisor since 2014. You can see Tom around on GitHub maintaining Promitor & Azure Deprecation or contributing to projects like KEDA & Arcus.

He turns coffee into scalable & secure cloud systems and writes about his adventures on


Please RSVP on our Meetup page.


2 December 2019: Mathias Verraes on Temporal Analysis Patterns

When we design software for a complex domain, it helps to have a deep understanding of that domain, and reflect it in the system’s model. That’s the central premise of DDD. Many interesting business domains are temporal; they involve many interconnected processes and behaviours happening over time.

This is where traditional ways of understanding our domains fall short: they look at the artifacts of those processes, but not enough at the processes themselves.

Temporal analysis patterns help us see recurring patterns in how the processes in our domains work and are organised. The insights well get from applying the patterns, show us how to choose objects, components, and services. This leads to better decoupled systems, both internally and at the level of integrations.

This talk starts at 20:00 and lasts 1 hour.


Please notify us of your presence on

About Matthias Verraes

Mathias Verraes advises organisations on designing and modelling software for complex environments, including architecture, analysis, testing, and refactoring “unmaintainable” systems. He has worked with clients in Government, Logistics, Mobility, Energy, E-Commerce, and more.

He teaches Domain-Driven Design courses and curates the DDD Europe conference. When he’s at home in Kortrijk, Belgium, he helps his two sons build crazy Lego contraptions.


About the location

The event is in the building of Onafhankelijk Ziekenfonds at Gistelse Steenweg 294, Sint-Andries, Brugge.

Parking is available around the entire building. If you can’t find a parking space, just drive a little further around the building.

There will be arrows pointing the way from the entrance all the way up to the room on the 3rd floor.

Doors open at 19:30, session starts at 20:00 and lasts 1 hour.


Meetup 30/09 Photo’s

Here are some photo’s from our first meetup!


Slides and Evaluation of Yves’ Talk

For those who want to see the slides of Yves’ talk, “If at first you don’t succeed with Event Sourcing,” you can find them on SlideShare.

Also, if you could attend (thanks!), you could help us by filling out the evaluation form (Dutch).

Don’t forget to mark 2 December on your calendars! Our next meetup will be with Matthias Verraes.


monday 30 September 2019 – If at first you don’t succeed with Event Sourcing – Yves Reynhout

As more teams / software developers start out with event sourcing, they are confronted with fairly common problems, hindering their ability to deliver, causing technical paralysis. This talk is a gentle introduction to event sourcing and takes a practical and pattern like approach towards addressing those problems. Walk away with a better understanding ….

The talk can be in English. If there are only Dutch-speaking attendees, we will probably do it in Dutch.


Please notify us of your presence on

About Yves Reynhout

Yves is a passionate software developer with a broad range of experience and interests, passionate about technology, and has a constant urge to learn and improve his skills.

His work exists primarily in building mobile, cloud and native, multi-user products, with features that can scale, like allowing a high degree of configurability by the end-users, buliding in authentication and authorization, printing, reporting, aggregating and distilling information. Also integration with third parties, services and devices, making use of both messaging and RPC.

He analyses, designs, documents, implements models to automate business processes, designs solutions that multiple teams can work on, writes automated test specifications on unit, integration, scenario and UI level, writes code for every layer in the stack, automates deployment of software through scripts and infrastructure as code, and is also involved in the operational side of running software (like monitoring, logging, tracing, diagnostics). All to meet the customer’s needs.

About the location

The event is in the building of Onafhankelijk Ziekenfonds at Gistelse Steenweg 294, Sint-Andries, Brugge.

Parking is available around the entire building. If you can’t find a parking space, just drive a little further around the building.

There will be arrows pointing the way from the entrance all the way up to the room on the 3rd floor.

Doors open at 19:30, session starts at 20:00.