
20 Oct 2021: Getting API Security right – Dr. Philippe De Ryck

The shift towards an API landscape indicates a significant evolution in the way we build applications. The rise of JavaScript and mobile applications have sparked an explosion of easily-accessible REST APIs. But does the rise of APIs result in the downfall of security? Why are there so many vulnerabilities and incidents involving APIs? How can you ensure that your APIs are secure?

In this session, we use real-world cases to dive into best practices for securing your APIs. We discuss the attack surface of an API, common authorization problems, and best practice techniques to avoid these problems. At the end of this session, you will have an actionable set of guidelines to assess and improve the security of your own APIs.

Philippe De Ryck

Philippe De Ryck helps developers protect companies through better web security. His Ph.D. in web security from KU Leuven lies at the basis of his exceptional knowledge of the security landscape. As the founder of Pragmatic Web Security, Philippe delivers security training and security consulting to companies worldwide. His online course platform allows anyone to learn complex security topics at their own pace. Philippe is a Google Developer Expert and an Auth0 Ambassador for his community contributions on the security of web applications and APIs.

The talk starts at 20:00 and lasts about 1 hour.


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